Saturday, January 3, 2009

What a "REAL MAN" does with his Saturday mornings

Bruce, with his Bear, & the hair basket.......

and, I LOVE him for it!!!!!!


  1. Is he doing yarn braids?? I can't believe he even knows how. My dh can hardly get my white daughter's hair looking decent when I'm not around to help out. That's a good man you have there. :)

  2. Ok, Ken is so doing hair now! Is he taking the braids out? What a cool dad!

  3. So jealous! You already know this but that is a great guy! So sorry about Alex breaking his arm. Poor kid must have paper bones (atleast in his arm) Thats funny you made your hubby take him to the er. Dont you think him in the slammer is far worse.... dont know just heard men in jail...

  4. First, I can't believe Alex broke his arm again!

    Second, I love when daddies join in on hair time. What stories our girls can tell!

    Third - we are starting foster care classes (ARE WE INSANE?!).

    Fourth - I miss you!
